Monday, June 30, 2008


What do we know about Iran’s nuclear program? We do not know that they have a nuclear weapons program. You know, we had the NIE back last November that told us they had actually suspended important aspects of the nuclear weapons program back in 2003. And nobody has said that they have reconstituted those aspects of the weapons program since then. So the basis for any kind of attack, either by the US or by Israel or by anybody, just doesn’t exist under international law, just as it didn’t exist back in 2003 against Iraq.

Helena Cobban
blogger, Quaker activist and veteran journalist; on June 23, 2008

And a famous speech by Gravel:

...This is Fantasy land--we're talking about ending the war [in Iraq]; my God, we're just starting another war! There was a vote in the Senate today--Joe Lieberman, who authored the Iraq resolution, has offered another resolution, and it's essentially a fig leaf to let George Bush go to war with Iran.
I want to congratulate Biden & Dodd for voting against it, and I'm ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for it. You're not going to get another shot at this--we invade and they're looking for an excuse to do it. And Obama was not even there to vote.

And yet...

CLINTON [answering to Gravel]: My understanding of the revolutionary guard in Iran is that it is promoting terrorism. It is manufacturing weapons that are used against our troops in Iraq. It is certainly the main agent of support for Hezbollah, Hamas and others, and in what we voted for today, we will have an opportunity to designate it as a terrorist organization, which gives us the options to be able to impose sanctions on the leaders.

And yet...
Lieberman: Bomb Iran If It Doesn't Stop
Lieberman: Iran strike should be considered
Írán se připravuje na válku, už nechal vykopat 320 000 hrobů
New Yorker: USA chtějí do konce roku připravit útok na Írán
Senátor McCain před voliči zpíval: Bombardujte Írán
Bush: zpráva, že Írán bombu nevyvíjí, je varovným znamením
Hersh: Congress Agreed to Bush Request to Fund Major Escalation in Secret Operations Against Iran

Friday, June 27, 2008

Amnesty International launched the unsubscribe campaign in November 2007 with this truly powerful film entitled Waiting for the Guards. It is NOT pleasant to watch... just a warning. (Also the same theme in The Road to Guantanamo.)

Waiting For The Guards is the first of 3 films commissioned by Amnesty to highlight the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the “War on Terror”. The Directors approached the making of the film in a way that has never been done before, choosing to show the reality of Stress Positions in as authentic a way as possible. They filmed a person who was put in Stress Positions for over a 6 hour period. There is no acting on the part of the “prisoner” – his pain and anguish are real. This powerful film shows without a doubt that what the US administrations say is interrogation is really torture, and must be stopped.

List of films:

Waiting for the Guards
Close Guantanamo now - demo in London (part 1)
Close Guantanamo now - demo in London (part 2)

Leon Kuhn

Leon Kuhn es un escritor y pintor de caricaturas. Encontre su obra la primera vez con el grupo Fun-Da-Mental de Gran Bretana cual utilizo su imagen del "Statue of Liberty" por su disco "All is War: The Benefits of G-Had".

Neck & Neck: Leon Kuhn's take on the Obama / Clinton race

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Este blog de una eslovaca que vive en Brusel... trabaja como medica y escribe muy interestante de su profesion y su vida. Lo encontre a el blog cecho "" el sabado cuando tenia un humor parecido. :-) La fotografía esta a ella de su paseo en Brusel y me gusta mucho.

The Libertine - Prologue

El prólogo de mi pelicula favorita.

Allow me to be frank at the commencement.
You will not like me.
The gentlemen will be envious and the ladies will be repelled.
You will not like me now and you will like me a good deal less as we go on.
Ladies, an announcement.
I am up for it.
All the time.
That is not a boast or an opinion.
It is bone-hard medical fact.

I put it round, you know.
And you will watch me putting it round and sigh for it.
It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats.
Gentlemen, do not despair.
I am up for that as well.
And the same warning applies.
Still your cheesy erections till I've had my say, but later when you shag, and later you will shag, I shall expect it of you, and I will know if you have let me down.
I wish you to shag with my homuncular image rattling in your gonads.
Feel... how it was for me, how it is for me.
And ponder.
Was that shudder the same shudder he sensed?

Did he know something more profound?
Or is there some wall of wretchedness that we all batter with our heads at that shining live-long moment?
That is it.
That is my prologue.
Nothing in rhyme.
No protestations of modesty.
You were not expecting that, I hope.
I am John Wilmot.
Second Earl of Rochester.
And I do not want you to like me.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Virtually by chance, I came across this site with many documentary films that can be watched online - e.g. Sicko, Road to Guantanamo, The Take and many many others. There are Africa, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Russia, South Asia and US documentaries... unbelievable selection...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mi jardin en primavera (2008)

(as if I was ever to learn Spanish...)

(pero quiero que aprender hablar mas)

(rápidamente como este tornillo corriendo...)