Thursday, November 16, 2006

Red Bull BC One - Berlin 2005

This is a break dance competition. In 2005, it took place in Berlin, and the video footage is now available on Google videos here.
The competition has many aspects of fight contests reminding of boxing events or martial arts films figthing scenes.

The dance looks like a fight really; with the exception that the b-boys do not touch each other during the contest (apart from the 'touchfist' greeting at the beginning and a hug at the end). Each breakdancer shows his (/hers? - no b-girls competing in this contest) best skills.

There are always two b-boys on the scene (like in box or martial arts) and then also the rapping comentator who creates a great atmosphere for an audience of 1000 fans in the hall. All this is strenghtened by speedy energetic hip hop. After a three-minute performance the judges decide which one of the two won and another couple of b-boys enters the stage supported by clapping, whistling and shouting and stand-ups during the battle.

Out of the total of 16 b-boys from 9 countries, the winner was Lilou from France:

>> a lil french contortionist/ gymnast cirque du soleil reject who decided to try & act like a b-boy << cite from a b-boy fan web.

The video shows how breakdance can be a beuatiful dance full of grace and greatly coordinated movements requiring lots of skills taken from many areas (at least in the case of the 2005 winner!).

Videos with Lilou for example here. Also Junior aka Buana was great.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Just dreaming...

Today, after thee years, one beautiful and difficult dream has almost ended. As they say, something has to end so that something else can start. If one dream cannot be fulfilled, there will be another dream. I am embracing the night for the next morning.

..Te quiero, siempre, en el pasado, ahora, en el futuro, ..te quiero.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Lamine Gueye's Modern Dance Workshop in November

Great dancer, choreographer and teacher of modern dance, Lamine Gueye, is giving an intensive workshop of his technique in Prague from 20-27 November 2006. (

The classes take one on a 'voyage' through movement, breath and mind to learn how to express oneself with confidence, honesty and without judgement. They require discipline, but also allow freedom and encourage open mind. Lamine prefers working with non-professional dancers as he thinks they are without any dance judgement, prejudice and attitude, having belief that he can teach his technique to any untrained body.

Lamine's technique brings placement into any movement, lets you concentrate on breath, teaches strength and endurance, passion for dance and any kind of movement or action. This is a great treat for the body that certainly deserves it and will remember it in future.

Among many of influences of Lamine the most significant were Carlos Orta and Jose Limon. Full c.v. is here.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

DV8's new work in 2007

On the weekend of 11th and 12th November 2006, the Physical Dance Theater DV8 are having auditions for a new project "based on ideas around tolerance and intolerance, religion and sexuality." (

Richard Bach - Illusions

Everything in this book may be wrong...

"Like attracts like, just be who you are, asking ourselves every minute is this what I really want to do, doing it only when we answer yes, automatically that turns away those who have nothing to learn from who we are and attracts those who do, and from whom we have to learn, as well."

"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them here. What you choose to do with them is up to you."

"..What if everybody did just whatever they feel like doing...?" "...This world would probably be the happiest planet in this part of galaxy."

Ultima Vez in Prague

Ultima Vez (Belgian dance group led by Wim Vandekeybus) had one of their three performances in Prague last night. Hosted in the Archa Theatre (, this was their sixth (!) visit to Prague.

Specific dance language of Wim Vandekeybus'; unsettling each moment, bringing speed and change; intense physicality of each movement; harshness for the onlooker, physical endurance for the dancer...

The performance is called 'Spiegel' (Mirror); more than a mirror it reminded me of a methaphor of climbing to a 'Chair' which was also hanging above the dancers in the air upside down which they struggled to reach and sit on; while other dancers were changing their suits and aiming for... what?

Physicality, running around
fast in circles. (One of typical Vanderkeybus' movements?) Each of the dancers struggling for something..; running somewhere.., searching for something or somebody (placement; position); getting positioned (the chair was later replaced by many hooks hanging in the air). Attempts at destruction and escape (the opening scene - a girl lying on the floor, sleeping..., a guy coming stumping on the ground nearing her and almost stumping on her; she making a single movement each time, to avoid being harmed).

It also seemed about trying to overcome others, a constant struggle and fight with the surrounding others; not much peace, purposely unsettling, doubting any possible nice movement or harmony, it was violent, unfriendly.

Moments of unison ('men' scene where the dancers in suits dance in unison - reminded me of DV8's 'Enter Achilles'; 'all dancers' scene where everyone dances to as if heart-beating-sound to aim for something in common... even though it cannot be found and the fight for difference must go on..).

It was very unbounding to see this freedom of movement. An open pool of possibilities of movement;
though not so attractive to an eye that is not accustomed to that, but so natural and humane to do.

Usage of contact improvisation during choreography creation; I feel a lot of freedom to the dance vocabulary. Movements are not 'perfect' however very physical, mirroring how each dancer (person) moves. Questioning dance capabilities; what are the possible ambitions within movement.

...In Prague, Ultima Vez already showed: Mountains Made of Barking (1995); What the Body Does Not Remember (1997); In Spite of Wishing and Wanting (2000); Scratching the Inner Fields (2002); and Blush (2003).