Monday, February 25, 2008

Brussels: New court to try Israel for war crimes

13:02 , 02.22.08

Civil court established by human rights organizations to begin operations in Belgium Friday. First issue on the agenda: Israel's alleged war crimes in Lebanon, Gaza

Full article on

As there was no info in the official media, I searched more to see the credibility of this. Here are articles I found, quite controversial, without surprise:
Discussion about the article.
Arab MK to attend tribunal on 'IDF war crimes'
A fake "international court" designed purely to vilify Israel
Basically this 'court' is an initiative of a group of citizens based in France, who call themselves "Tribunal citoyen international contre les crimes de guerre au Moyen Orient". (Info in English.)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Films You Will Not See At OneWorld Human Rights Festival

In Prague, there is annually a film festival on Human Rights, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. As the festival's media campaign complies with the views and standpoints of the current political scene, it is no surprise that the advertisement for the festival, which this year concentrates on dictators, pinpoints some "world dictators" with notoriously over-presented Fidel Castro (Cuba), or other dictatorial leaders more or less known here, such as Aleksandr Lukashenko (Belarus), Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Kim Chong-il (Nort Korea) or Than Shwe (Burma).

Why this style of the advertisement...? Why not other dictators, countries, situations, politicians? Are human rights violated only in communist regimes? Are not human rights violated with the current "war on terror"?

Perhaps another festival can answer this - Human Rights Watch film festival, starting on 12 March 2008 in London? Or is the movie selection very similar?

The most interesting and concise (!) selection for me is, however, here, at a festival in Bellingham, Washington, US! The program comprises only of 15 films, but they seem inspirational enough! The two films below belong to their list, and they talk about Izrael and Palestine and the USA and the Iraq invasion... themes the other festivals fear to touch...?

Independent Intervention - Focusing on the human costs of war, media experts contrast corporate-controlled media coverage of the invasion of Iraq with independent media reports of the brutal realities on the ground. Features Amy Goodman and other alternative reporters.

Occupation 101 - A comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions.
(Full film!)

This film is not on the list of HR festivals, but equally informative on the above topic...
Peace and Propaganda: The Promised Land