Friday, November 20, 2009

Shut Down the School of the Americas 2


What's happening in Honduras?

Key words: Coup, military, SOA, June 2009, Zelaya, coup president and coup regime, democratic president out

Tegucigalpa, Honduras - On June 28, 2009, graduates of the School of the Americas overthrew the democratically-elected government of Honduras.

In a well-planned operation, 200 masked soldiers under the command of General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez stormed the presidential palace in the middle of the night. The soldiers grabbed President Zelaya from his bed, forced him onto an airplane and flew him into exile. The state television was taken off the air. Electricity to the capital, Tegucigalpa, was cut, as were telephone lines and cell phone service.


Shut Down the School of the Americas

SOA (School of the Americas) - an infamous institution training Latin American military to then support the US policies in the region. There is a campaign to shut down the school, as reported on DN!:

....annual protest against the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas, frequently dubbed the “School of the Assassins.” Critics say the school’s graduates are responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America. The group School of Americas Watch says the role of US-trained generals in the recent Honduras military coup underscores the need for the school’s closure.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Watch Latin America: TeleSUR

A pan-Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela. TeleSUR was launched with the objective of providing information to promote the integration of Latin America and as a counterweight to large international medias such as CNN, Univision, BBC, TVE and Deutsche Welle.

teleSUR /
venezuelan state tv /
canal 7 argentina /

RealNews: El Salvador's gold fight goes international

RealNews: After activists block its mining permit, Canadian gold mining corporation is using a US free trade agreement to sue the government of El Salvador
Mentioned in one of the speeches: Eduardo Galeano (Uruguay's writer):

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

1st Dance Films Festival in Prague!

Organized by: Artn
- Hommage to Pina Bausch - Pina Bausch / Auf der suche nach tanz – das andere theater der Pina Bausch
- Dancin’ Germany (German dance films)
- DV8 - Enter Achilles
- Ultima Vez - Body, Body On the Wall / Blush
- and other short movies:

Dust (B, 1996, 4 min.), režie: Wim Vandekeybus
Montevideoaki (E, 2004, 5 min.), režie: Octavio Iturbe
Bliss (D, 2004, 3 min.), režie: Jacob Stage
Horizon of Exile (UK 2007, 22 min.), režie: I. Rocamora
Speed Ramp (UK 2002, 5 min.), r. Simon Corder

About artn (Czech):

Občanské sdružení Artn vzniklo s cílem prezentovat a iniciovat nové projekty z oblasti soudobé hudby, klasické hudební prostředky použít v jiném rámci, v jiném spojení, s prací jiných uměleckých oborů. Většina koncertů byla realizována v prostorách přímo nevyhrazeným koncertním či divadelním prezentacím. V minulosti tak byly projekty uvedeny v Tančícím domě v Praze, Plaveckém bazénu ve Slaném, Bazilice sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě apod. Artn je také hlavním organizátorem Festivalu tanečních filmů, jehož první ročník se uskuteční v Kině Světozor od 13. do 15. listopadu 2009.

Claude Lévi-Strauss est mort

Claude Lévi-Strauss, né le 28 novembre 1908 à Bruxelles, mort le 30 octobre 2009 à Paris est un anthropologue et ethnologue français qui a exercé une influence décisive sur les sciences humaines dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle en étant notamment l'une des figures fondatrices de la pensée structuraliste.

tristes tropiques
ct24 (czech)