Saturday, November 29, 2008


Three interesting blogs - The Life of KatusHqa (ex-colleague from Sun), and some other blogs - Mostly Martha and The Happy Haven - I found searching for some inspiration for my new blog which might have something in common with zebra crossings...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Read in DemocracyNow! (Wed 11/26):
Ex-Georgian Diplomat: U.S. OK’d Georgian Attack
A former Georgian diplomat has publicly testified that the United States gave Georgia the green light earlier this year to start a war against Russia in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. The diplomat [Erosi Kitsmarishvili] told a parliamentary hearing in Georgia that Georgian authorities were responsible for starting the conflict. For months U.S. and Georgian officials have blamed Russia for starting the hostilities.

Bývalý gruzínský diplomat: USA souhlasila s útokem Gruzie
Bývalý gruzínský diplomat veřejně vypověděl, že USA daly Gruzii svolení k rozpoutání války proti Rusku v souvislosti s vyhlášením nezávislosti Abcházie. Erosi Kitsmarišvili uvedl během své výpovědi v gruzínském parlamentu, že zodpovědnost za započetí konfliktu nesou gruzínské orgány. USA a Gruzie již několik měsíců obviňují Rusko ze vzniku konfliktu.


Read in DemocracyNow! (Wed 11/26):
Karzai Calls on Timeline To End War in Afghanistan
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called on the international community to set a timeline to end the war in Afghanistan. Karzai said: “This war has gone on for seven years, the Afghans don’t understand anymore, how come a little force like the Taliban can continue to exist, can continue to flourish, can continue to launch attacks.” Karzai also accused the U.S. and other foreign countries of creating a "parallel government” in parts of Afghanistan.

Kazraj požaduje časový plán na ukončení války v Afgánistánu
Afgánský prezident Hamíd Karzaj vyzval mezinárodní společenství k vytyčení časového harmonogramu na ukončení války v Afgánistánu. Karzaj uvedl: "Tato válka trvá již 7 let, Afgánci jí již vůbec nerozumí, jak je možné, že tak malá síla jako Talibán může stále existovat, nadále bujet a provádět útoky." Karzaj obvinil dále USA a další cizí státy z vytváření "paralelních vlád" v částech Afgánistánu.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Read in DemocracyNow! (on Fri 11/21):

Judge Orders Release of Five Guantanamo Prisoners

A federal judge has ordered the immediate release of five Algerians held at Guantanamo. US District Judge Richard Leon said the government’s evidence linking the men to al-Qaeda was not credible, because it came from a single, unidentified source. The men have been held for seven years.

Soudce nařizuje propuštění pěti vězňů na Guantanámu

Federální soudce nařídil okamžité propuštění pěti Alžířanů držených na Guantanámu. Okresní soudce Richard Leon uvedl, že vládní důkazy spojující tyto muže s Al-Kajdou nejsou věrohodné, protože pochází z jediného a neověřeného zdroje. Muži jsou zadržováni 7 let.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Third Party Candidates

In main stream media not much discussed are the Third Party Candidates (another link here). Many interviews with them can be found e.g. on DemocracyNow!, they also have quite many youtube videos.
The most interviewed in alternative media are:
Ralph Nader - Independent
Bob Barr - Libertarian
Cynthia McKinney - Green Party
Charles Baldwin - Constitution Party
A full list of them e.g. here.
Pic taken from (a rather ironic title juxtaposed the pic :( ).

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul (Republican) and Bob Barr.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oceán v kapce rosy


Jediné slovo může změnit něčí osud.

Žádné slovo není zcela nevinné. Správná řeč je úsporná. Nač zvětšovat utrpení tohoto světa? Je třeba, je-li to možné, vztahy mezi lidmi zlepšovat - nelhat, neosočovat, nepomlouvat. Mluvit o někom není moudré. Mluvíme-li o třetí osobě ve zlém, můžeme jí uškodit, ale když ji příliš vychvalujeme, nevážíme si sdostatek osoby, s níž hovoříme. Měli bychom naopak povzbuzovat, utěšovat, správně uvažovat, zklidňovat a hlavně se usmívat. Snažit se probouzet touhu po duchovních věcech. Podle buddhistického učení vnáší správná řeč do tohoto světa o něco víc míru, moudrosti a štěstí.

Henry Brunel - Oceán v kapce rosy - zenové příběhy
Z kapitoly "Jak se urozený muž stal poustevníkem"

Literárky: O nevoličích v USA

"Volby v současné podobě nezpůsobují změnu poměrů, pouze střídání mocenských elit. Poměry se mění v závislosti na náladě a názorové konstelaci, která ve společnosti vzniká. I když se tedy prezidentu Obamovi podaří prosadit nějaké zásadní změny, bude to zásluhou společenského tlaku, případně kampaní občanských nebo lobbistických skupin."
Mark Cooper (am. novinář) v rozhovoru pro Literárky

...V r. 2000 byla v USA volební účast málo nad 50%, tj. nevolilo více než 120 mil. oprávněných voličů. ...Cooper a další nevoliči poukazují na neovlivnitelnost změn ve 'velkých' volbách, jako např. prezidentských. Z nevoliče se stává volič, pokud jde o volby na místní n. federální úrovni.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Palestinian Film Festival in Toronto

Just watched on The Real News an invitation to Toronto Palestine Film Festival. It is not so frequent that there would be Palestinian Film Festivals, so let's see what's there..! (Links to other festivals here or here.)

Friday, August 29, 2008

DemocracyNow: Iraq Vets Lead Antiwar March to Dem. Convention

Iraq Vets Lead Antiwar March to Dem. Convention

Outside the convention, thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Denver to call on Democrats to back an immediate US withdrawal from Iraq. Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War led the march to the perimeter surrounding the Pepsi Center. A tense standoff ensued as police threatened to pepper spray and forcibly disperse the crowd. But the rally ended peacefully after Obama staffers agreed to meet protest leaders. In addition to an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, the demands also included paying reparations to the Iraqi people. The march began at a concert by the band Rage Against the Machine.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

B’Tselem - 'Shooting Back' Project

"I am shooting back"

is an Israeli human rights organization that monitors human rights in the Palestinian Territories and namely violations against Palestinians. I heard about them when watching news on DemocracyNow on Aug 1st 08 and there was a talk about civic activity of making videos at demonstrations which later help demonstrators when accused of some misconducts and later sued (e.g. at the Republican Convention 4 years ago and now preparing for Democratic Convention in Denver etc.). These people created organizations called I-Witness Video and the founder Eileen Clancy talked about a recent case when a cyclist was pushed off his bike by a by-standing policeman during 'Critical Mass Ride'.

This was compared also to another similar project - "Shooting Back", which is in general about giving cameras/video cameras to people whose rights are infringed to empower them and talk about their life conditions via camera.

So I looked up "Shooting Back" and found another DemocracyNow link leading to an interview with a film maker from the B'Tselem organization.

Going to B'Tselem pages, it is interesting to see videos, but also reports on Palestinian abuses and also the death toll of the conflict (from 9/2000-6/2008).

So for example, there were:
4748 Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces
45 Palestinians killed by Israeli civilians
236 Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians
244 Israeli security force personnel killed by Palestinians
577 Palestinians killed by Palestinians

I was surprised to see the number of Palestinians killed by Palestinians - very high! Why? Mainly killed in exchange of gunfire..., also in clashes between Fatah and Hamas... Among the victims of Israeli security forces, they were very often young guys who were exchanging fire with them; and also very often just innocent people being in the wrong place where an attack took place... Read more on their site, interesting with all the names given. (Finally there are names.)

What was also shocking is the statistics on death "following an infringement of the right to medical treatment in the Occupied Territories". 6 this year; 15 last year....

"Shooting Back" as I read on another web site was originally started as a project in the early 1980s when UPI (United Press International) photographer Jim Hubbard was documenting lives of homeless people and children always wanted to look through his camera, he realized that they could document their world themselves. In 1989 Hubbard created the Shooting Back organization teaching photography to children at risk. "The name was coined from a spontaneous comment by one of the young participants in the program: when asked why he was photographing his own world, the homeless child responded, 'I am shooting back'."

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cours complets

J'etais vraiment en retard pour me decider et renseigner pour les cours en Lausanne. Ils commencent dans deux semaines et bien sur, sans preinscription, on n'est plus possible de s'inscrire. Ca veut dire que je dois apprendre moi meme de nouveau et je dois penser quoi est-ce que je vais faire pendents mes 3 semaines de vacances..! ...Pourquoi? J'ai 34 ans et je suis tan 'undecided'!

Les cours 2008 du Cours de vacances sont tous COMPLETS. Il n'est plus possible de s'inscrire. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et vous prions de consulter notre site internet : pour les dates de notre prochain cours en hiver 2009.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Le français et moi

"Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre,

c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Avant que je decide où est-ce que je vais voyager, je peux practiquer un peu de français moi même par écrivant les blogs comme cette ci. J'ai essayé un test aujourd'hui ici et le résultat est niveau B2. Ce qui est vraiment ennuyant est le fait que ca fait déjà 10 ans que j'ai visité Grenoble pour apprendre le français, et j'etais déjà habitué a parler et ecrir, mais aprés plusiers ans que je n'apprennais rien, j'ai oublié tout. C'est un fait et ce n'est pas grave, c'est seulement fatiguant et ennuyant de devoir suivre le même chemin de nouveau. (Sans dire que la meme situation peut etre pour les autres langues que j'apprens.)

En tout cas, quelques expressiones interessantes de mon excercice d'aujourd'hui:

Ne pas avoir l’air dans son assiette = Etre préoccupée, soucieuse
Avoir la pêche = Etre en forme
Ça fait des lustres = Cela fait très longtemps
Mettre les voiles = S'en aller / partir
Coûter les yeux de la tête = Coûter très cher / Etre trop onéreux
Redonner un coup de fouet = Etre de nouveau stimulée
Avoir du pain sur la planche = Avoir beaucoup de choses à faire
Couper la poire en deux = Faire un compromis

Et quelques d'autres:

poser un lapin = nepřijít na schůzku
mettre les pieds dans le plat = říct něco, co jsme neměli říct, co se nehodí
il pleut des cordes = lije jako z konve
avoir un coup de foudre = zamilovat se
tomber dans les pommes = omdlít
avoir la gueule de bois = mít kocovinu
avoir la peche = být ve formě
il fait un froid de canard = opravdu velká zima
ne pas avoir les yeux dans sa poche = být všímavý
avoir les jambes en coton = sotva se držet na nohou /
To have legs like jelly, to feel weak at the knees

Photos d'ici et d'ici. Les expresiones ici et ici

Lausanne ou non

C'est de mes vacances - le premier plan c'etait d'aller en Suisse a Lausanne pour voir mes amis superbs (Lea et Olivier) et pour apprendre le francais pour 3 semaines. J'etais sur de ca. Je dois aller car je veux avancer mon francais. Et maintenent - mon petit ami va en Turquie avec ses amis pour deux semaines et puis on pourrait voyager ensemble - en Turquie ou en Armenie ou bien en Iraq (c'est pas claire deja). Et comme toujours, je voudrais les deux choses! Prendre decisions etait assez dure pour moi les derniers semaines, mois.

Women Dreams

Les reves de femmes. J'ai trouve les sites par hazard (comme d'habitude) - j'ai cherche quelques nouvelles pour traductions en tcheque de DemocracyNow nouvelles. Et oui, j'ai trouve quelques traductiones - ici sur et aussi l'archive. Et l'archive donne un lien comment on peut creer son pages de web. Alors j'ai suivi le lien et il y avait entre autres chauses autres liens recommendes (comme d'habitude). Et ce que tirait mes yeux, c'etait la page qui s'appele "Hrníčkové nadělení" (comme "Les étrennes de petit pots"...). Et j'etais courieuse voir que c'etait! La page etait assez drole - il y avait les photos de dizaines de petit pots, en coulours et formes varies, d'origines differentes etc. Il y avait trois generations de femmes qui sont represente la bas. Premierment, la petit fille Maruška, qui a la photo sur la premiere page et qui introduit Les etrennes de petit pots. Puis il y a la mere de Maruška (qui je crois est l'auter de cette page) - elle est represente par les dizaines de pots avec points (61 exemplaires) et apres aussi la grande mere avec les pots avec coeurs (170 exemplaires!).

Mais, bien sur, ce n'est pas tout! On peut voir que la mere est vraiment active (et comment dire ... typiquement feminine ... elle fait les travails creatives assez typiques pour les femmes [tcheques ou en general]) - elle s'interese aux autres choses aussi - elle fait les "ruční práce" (elle cree son oeuvres en main) comme "drátkování" (nettoyage à la paille de fer), "háčkování" (broderie au crochet ou travail au crochet), "madeirové kraslice" (oeufs de madeira?), "perníčky" (pain d'épice) etc.

Mais, bien sur, ce n'est pas tout! Il y a autres liens recomendes (comme toujours), alors j'ai suivi les autres liens et j'ai suivi autres liens de ce autres liens. Et comme ca, j'ai trouve pages d'autres femmes qui revent et qui creent les chauses extraordinaires - soi son jardins qui sont toutes en fleures (et on peut voir dizaines de photos de jardins et de fleurs), soi les oeuvres de main creatives comme "home accessories" - les choses qui font interieurs et exterieurs de ses maisons plus belles et chalereuses.

Ce qui me plaisait le plus s'etait la page de Petra (oui, c'est simpa parce que ella porte la meme nom comme moi) ici. Les photos ici sont a elle aussi. Et si on a beaucoup de temps, on peut continuer et lien par lien regarder les millions de photos sur Picassa. Mais moi non, ca suffit pour moi! Je vais travailler sur mon jardin pour pouvoir montre mes photos de reves et de femme ideal! ;) (Comme ici. ;) )

Friday, July 11, 2008


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

People with PTSD have persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal and feel emotionally numb, especially with people they were once close to. They may experience sleep problems, feel detached or numb, or be easily startled.

On the 8th of July 2008, US vet from Iraq war, Joseph Dwyer (31), died of overdose on a computer cleaner aerosol. As all the newspapers note, Dwyer became famous when a picture of him was taken when he was carrying a child into safety in the first weeks of Iraq war.

His death "has highlighted the neglect many American veterans believe they face once they return home. (...) It emerged that Mr Dwyer's post-war civilian life was also no different to that of many fellow veterans. For years, he struggled against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug abuse, unemployment and marital breakdown. (...) Police in several states had been dealing with Mr Dwyer for several years as he suffered from violent delusions that he was being hunted by Iraqi soldiers." More here and here.

Monday, June 30, 2008


What do we know about Iran’s nuclear program? We do not know that they have a nuclear weapons program. You know, we had the NIE back last November that told us they had actually suspended important aspects of the nuclear weapons program back in 2003. And nobody has said that they have reconstituted those aspects of the weapons program since then. So the basis for any kind of attack, either by the US or by Israel or by anybody, just doesn’t exist under international law, just as it didn’t exist back in 2003 against Iraq.

Helena Cobban
blogger, Quaker activist and veteran journalist; on June 23, 2008

And a famous speech by Gravel:

...This is Fantasy land--we're talking about ending the war [in Iraq]; my God, we're just starting another war! There was a vote in the Senate today--Joe Lieberman, who authored the Iraq resolution, has offered another resolution, and it's essentially a fig leaf to let George Bush go to war with Iran.
I want to congratulate Biden & Dodd for voting against it, and I'm ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for it. You're not going to get another shot at this--we invade and they're looking for an excuse to do it. And Obama was not even there to vote.

And yet...

CLINTON [answering to Gravel]: My understanding of the revolutionary guard in Iran is that it is promoting terrorism. It is manufacturing weapons that are used against our troops in Iraq. It is certainly the main agent of support for Hezbollah, Hamas and others, and in what we voted for today, we will have an opportunity to designate it as a terrorist organization, which gives us the options to be able to impose sanctions on the leaders.

And yet...
Lieberman: Bomb Iran If It Doesn't Stop
Lieberman: Iran strike should be considered
Írán se připravuje na válku, už nechal vykopat 320 000 hrobů
New Yorker: USA chtějí do konce roku připravit útok na Írán
Senátor McCain před voliči zpíval: Bombardujte Írán
Bush: zpráva, že Írán bombu nevyvíjí, je varovným znamením
Hersh: Congress Agreed to Bush Request to Fund Major Escalation in Secret Operations Against Iran

Friday, June 27, 2008

Amnesty International launched the unsubscribe campaign in November 2007 with this truly powerful film entitled Waiting for the Guards. It is NOT pleasant to watch... just a warning. (Also the same theme in The Road to Guantanamo.)

Waiting For The Guards is the first of 3 films commissioned by Amnesty to highlight the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the “War on Terror”. The Directors approached the making of the film in a way that has never been done before, choosing to show the reality of Stress Positions in as authentic a way as possible. They filmed a person who was put in Stress Positions for over a 6 hour period. There is no acting on the part of the “prisoner” – his pain and anguish are real. This powerful film shows without a doubt that what the US administrations say is interrogation is really torture, and must be stopped.

List of films:

Waiting for the Guards
Close Guantanamo now - demo in London (part 1)
Close Guantanamo now - demo in London (part 2)

Leon Kuhn

Leon Kuhn es un escritor y pintor de caricaturas. Encontre su obra la primera vez con el grupo Fun-Da-Mental de Gran Bretana cual utilizo su imagen del "Statue of Liberty" por su disco "All is War: The Benefits of G-Had".

Neck & Neck: Leon Kuhn's take on the Obama / Clinton race

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Este blog de una eslovaca que vive en Brusel... trabaja como medica y escribe muy interestante de su profesion y su vida. Lo encontre a el blog cecho "" el sabado cuando tenia un humor parecido. :-) La fotografía esta a ella de su paseo en Brusel y me gusta mucho.

The Libertine - Prologue

El prólogo de mi pelicula favorita.

Allow me to be frank at the commencement.
You will not like me.
The gentlemen will be envious and the ladies will be repelled.
You will not like me now and you will like me a good deal less as we go on.
Ladies, an announcement.
I am up for it.
All the time.
That is not a boast or an opinion.
It is bone-hard medical fact.

I put it round, you know.
And you will watch me putting it round and sigh for it.
It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats.
Gentlemen, do not despair.
I am up for that as well.
And the same warning applies.
Still your cheesy erections till I've had my say, but later when you shag, and later you will shag, I shall expect it of you, and I will know if you have let me down.
I wish you to shag with my homuncular image rattling in your gonads.
Feel... how it was for me, how it is for me.
And ponder.
Was that shudder the same shudder he sensed?

Did he know something more profound?
Or is there some wall of wretchedness that we all batter with our heads at that shining live-long moment?
That is it.
That is my prologue.
Nothing in rhyme.
No protestations of modesty.
You were not expecting that, I hope.
I am John Wilmot.
Second Earl of Rochester.
And I do not want you to like me.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Virtually by chance, I came across this site with many documentary films that can be watched online - e.g. Sicko, Road to Guantanamo, The Take and many many others. There are Africa, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Russia, South Asia and US documentaries... unbelievable selection...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mi jardin en primavera (2008)

(as if I was ever to learn Spanish...)

(pero quiero que aprender hablar mas)

(rápidamente como este tornillo corriendo...)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Armenian Genocide (1915)

Vittorio (left) and Paolo Taviani on the set of "The Lark Farm." (Spiegel)

At the FebioFest in Prague, I am going to watch the film "The Lark Farm" by Italian directors Paolo Taviani and Vittorio Taviani about the disputed genocide of Armenians in Turkey at the start of WWI. Supposedly 1.5 million Armenians died, which was 3/4 of Armenian population in Turkey at that time...
More links below.

Czech article on this
Genocide disputed
Genocide disputed 2


Armenian genocide

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

PetrUhl - Human Rights as Whipping Stick

Czech journalist, political activist and politician Petr Uhl wrote an article on Tibet and how the current situation can be misinterpreted easily:
"Beijing should acknowledge that Dalai Lama is not pursuing independence, but he is asking for a dialogue. Even European and US right-wing parties have no interest in making this fact public. Freedom for Tibet and hanging up of Tibet's flag is understood by all as desire for independence. As in Kosovo. ...The matter is not human rights, or protection, but on the contrary weakening, and in this case of China..."

DV8 - To Be Straight With You

As suggested in a blog entry from 2006, DV8 started to work on a new performance, and now it is out! It premiered in Lloyd's country of birth, Australia, on 13th - 16th March, and there will certainly be more reviews coming!

Official info here: DV8's Artistic Director Lloyd Newson leads a multi-ethnic cast in a poetic but unflinching exploration of tolerance, intolerance, religion and sexuality.

DV8's new production is based on hundreds of hours of audio interviews collected throughout the UK with people directly affected by these issues. Incorporating dance, text, documentary, animation and film, twenty years on DV8 still refuses to be defined.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

TheGuardian: Husak vs. Bush

Husak's Czechoslovakia and Bush's America is compared by the Guardian, inspired by Martina Navratilova's criticism of Bush (she is saying there is no difference between Husak's era in socialist Czechoslovakia and Bush's reign now, or Bush is even worse). The newspaper compares support of the presidents (Husak 15%; Bush 19-30%); health care (free; 16% without health insurance respectively); standard of living vs. freedom (low standard but want of freedom; high standard but no fight for freedom; , i.e. consumerism does not / does placate the population respectively); employment (full employment vs. recession and job loss); visa (similar approach - "arbitrary" vs. Patriot Act); torture (covert tool vs. officially sanctioned).

For me, growing up under Husak... this is quite incomparable (people did want consumerism and not everyone was ready to fight for their freedom and risk the future of their children, but I have no real experience of living in the US under Bush as Novotna does..). However, as for social rights, that seems a different story.

Guardian article here. Czech version here.
Other articles in Guardian when searching for "Husak" here.

Film: Lake of Fire

Lake of Fire trailer

A good film on the dilemmas of abortion and fundamental religious right members who go and kill "abortionists" - doctors carrying out abortion. I was shocked to see how many doctors were killed and how brutal and blind in views the pro-life side could be, what fundamentalism lies behind the anti-abortion propaganda. This film is not a 'black and white' depiction of abortions, but shows how complex / personal / political and dubious this question can be.
Another great film treating abortion is the Romanian "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days".

Official info about the film from ThinkFilmNY:
Ever since Roe v. Wade, the United States has been deeply divided on the issue of abortion. In that landmark case, an unmarried pregnant woman was refused an abortion in Texas and, with the ensuing judicial challenge, won American women the right to safe, legal abortions. Ever since, proponents and opponents have lined up on either side of the issue, launching verbal abuse -- and worse -- at each other. As the religious right has increased in size and power in the past decade, the issue has become even more divisive -- and violent.

Filmmaker Tony Kaye, best known for "American History X," has been working on LAKE OF FIRE for the past fifteen years and has made a film that is unquestionably the definitive work on the subject of abortion. Shot in luminous black and white, which is in fact an endless palette of grays, the film has the perfect esthetic for a subject where there can be no absolutes, no 'right' or 'wrong.' He gives equal time to both sides, covering arguments from either extremes of the spectrum, as well as those at the center, who acknowledge that, in the end, everyone is 'right' -- or 'wrong.'

With graphic images of termination procedures and their aftermath, Kaye endeavors to show abortion's physical and psychological reality -- to make clear what exactly is at stake. LAKE OF FIRE -- the film's title comes from one person's description of what awaits abortionists in hell -- is a brave film, even a monumental one. And whatever you believe now, you are certain to think differently after seeing it.

What's Happening in Tibet?

“Tibet will always have a deep impression on us. Please do support the Tibetans who are struggling for some freedom.” (Travellers to Tibet Steve and Ulrike /

On the outskirts of Dharamsala - march to Tibet. (Photo by Tenzin Dasel /

Monday, 10 March 2008 - about 300 monks from Drepung monastery (near Lhasa) trying to march to the capital to commemorate the unsuccessful uprising in 1959 against the Chinese occupation. About 70 people, mainly monks, detained following the protest. March stopped by police, now Drepung monastery sealed by military.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008 - about 600 monks from Sera monastery (Lhasa) trying to march in protest against the detentions from the previous day - stopped soon afterwards by the police controlling the monastery - police used tear gas, they were armed with electric prods, or had firearms.

Dharamsala, India - about 100 Tibetans living in India returning back to China in support of free Tibet - stopped by Indian police.
Kathmandu, Nepal - about 1,000 Tibetan exiles clashed with police while trying to march to the Chinese embassy to protest about the Olympic games.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008 - Lhasa calm, police controlling Potala palace and monasteries, all internet cafes "closed".

George Galloway - 6 Aug 2006 - SkyNews

An unforgettable interview, even after 2 years, with George Galloway on UK SkyNews about Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Hizballah and insightful memory and history, here and below.

Czech transcript here.

An interesting account on Galloway's impulse for his interest in the Palestinian question is given in his autobiography I'm Not The Only One.

AI: Palestinian homes demolished without warning

Bulldozer destroys Palestinians' property in Hadidiya, West Bank, 11 March 2008
© Amnesty International

AI report here.
Another 'buldozer' blog entry here.
See video about deliberate demolitions! - A document made by a group of volunteer Americans on real life conditions in Palestine -- Tobias - Life in Palestine Real Footage

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Villains You Will Not See at OneWorld Human Rights Festival

Ondřej Slačálek, anarchist and political activist and scientist, comments well on the Czech OneWorld HR film festival. In this article, he points at the selectivity of the "dictators' advertisement", and in the anarchist magazine A-kontra he proposes other villains which would be in high competition as far as their criminal rate is concerned -- George W. Bush - USA, Hashim Thaçi - Kosovo, Islom Karimov - Uzbekistan, Joseph Kabila - Democratic Republic of Congo, Hu Jintao - China. In another article, he speaks about the controversial fact that human rights education organized in schools through the OneWorld organization is supported by the US government, which is not afraid to severely breach human rights, and whose president approves of torture, such as waterboarding or electric shocks!
Another article that looks behind the scenes of OneWorld and criticizes its cooperation with the US organization National Endowment for Democracy is written by Daniel Vesely.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Brussels: New court to try Israel for war crimes - More Details - Controversial?

Excerpts to add more about this news... writes (
nick 'Scurrilous' in the discussion):
Arab MK to attend tribunal on 'IDF war crimes'


"A conference of individuals and nongovernmental organizations is to convene in Brussels on Friday to discuss what organizers call "the crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon." MK Said Nafa (Balad) plans to attend.

The conference has been promoted as "an international jury of conscience," and will take the form of a mock international court with prosecutors, witnesses and judges, organizers said in a statement.

No names of those planning to participate in the conference were made available by the organizers.

Speaking to The Jerusalem Post by phone from Belgium, Nafa said he was "invited as an observer to listen," and that he planned to raise the issues of the October 2000 riots in the Galilee (in which 12 Israeli Arabs and a Palestinian were killed) and home demolitions during the conference.

"The tribunal has no legal authority," Nafa said, but its "ruling" will be "declarative and aimed at influencing public opinion in the world. There's no doubt that the use of cluster bombs in Lebanon was a war crime, or at least a violation of the international conscience. Victims of the Lebanon war and of the siege on Gaza will testify at the tribunal, some who are experts on international law."

Israel's position would also be represented, Nafa said, but, "I don't know by whom."
The Knesset member said he decided to attend because of a decision by the Israeli-Arab leadership's Monitoring Committee to "turn to international tribunals" to circumvent Israeli courts. "Arab Israelis have no defense under Israeli national law," he said."


And on there was also this reaction:

Its a phony court called International Citizens'Tribunal
Edited on Mon Feb-25-08 01:23 AM by Dick Dastardly

Its only purpose will be to try, and convict, Israel, over and over again. They are against the existence of Israel

An international citizen's tribunal on the crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon
Brussels, 22-23-24 February 2008

Endorse the Tribunal!

An international citizen's tribunal on the crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on February 22-24, 2008. The International Action Center has endorsed this tribunal and the work of the Commitee of International Citizens that is organizing the tribunal. More information is below:

To contact the organizers: Email: Blog:

Proposal for setting up international citizen's tribunal on deeds committed by Israeli army & secret services in Lebanon & occupied Palestinian territories

JUSTICE FOR LEBANON! Feb. 22-24, 2008, Brussels Int'l Jury Schedule

The crimes committed by the Israeli army in Lebanon during the summer 2006 are a violent affront to the universal human conscience. These are criminal acts, as many people feel instinctively. They are different from the acts that take place in all armed conflict committed by the aggressor as well as by the aggressed. But feeling is not enough. The facts must be established. They must then be assessed in light of existing international law. This should be done with the detachment and rigor of a process that excludes any a priori conclusions, the results of which will convince all people of good will.

The international community is not an autonomous political and juridical body. It is but a summation of positions adopted by a certain number of governments. In many situations it has proved incapable of applying existing law by distancing itself from geopolitical or ideological contingencies. This impunity has covered up the numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity that have been committed since the end of World War II.

The unilateral attitude of the United States of America, like the double-speak of many European governments, make it necessary for those defending the law to take the place of failed political powers. The American administration is against any questioning of Israel’s role in acts committed in Lebanon. EU countries like Germany, Great Britain, Finland and France refuse to support a request formulated at the UN Human Rights Council to investigate the use by the Israeli armed forces of arms that are prohibited by international law. The systematic disinformation practiced by an overwhelming majority of the media deprives Western public opinion of balanced information. All this justifies an initiative by the citizens themselves.

A group of citizens gathering human rights or ecological activists, humanitarian workers, jurists, political scientists, all friends of Lebanon, enjoying the support of more than 300 opinion leaders all over the world, is planning to organize, in Brussels (Belgium), on 22-23-24 February 2008, the meeting of an “international jury of conscience”.

During the opening session, a statement of charge will introduce the process. It is based on a report issued by the Human Rights Committee of the Lebanese Parliament about the crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF – official name of the Israeli armed forces) between 12 July and 14 August 2006 in Lebanon. The following sessions will give the opportunity to testify to Lebanese victims and survivors, to Lebanese and foreign witnesses, to Lebanese jurists, to representative of international human rights organizations. The Israeli side will have the possibility to present explanations. The jury, formed by prominent magistrates from the 5 continents, will present conclusions. On Saturday evening, a roundtable will give the floor to international experts on Lebanon.

Such an initiative requests funds. The organizing team has to buy flights tickets and to book hotel rooms for all the people coming from Lebanon but also for the 5 members of the jury. The renting of the rooms in the conference center and the fees for the translators have also to be paid. The total budget reaches 125.000 US dollars.

Feel free to support a citizen’s initiative that must take place due to the lack of concern by official sides.

Raoul Marc JENNAR & Leila GHANEM, co-organizers

Hosting Bank account : URFIG, Bruxelles, IBAN : BE60 0682 3497 7170; BIC : GKCCBEBB, with this message : “support to the International Jury of Conscience Lebanon” / /

The signatories /

More info /

A fake "international court" designed purely to vilify Israel
Misozionistic people, those who loathe the very idea of Israel existing in any form and spend uncounted hours coming up with ways to show their hate, have come up with a new idea:

"Let's set up an international tribunal whose only purpose will be to try, and convict, Israel, over and over again!"

Sounds silly? Think again

After much searching, I found the webpage of this group, in French. /

This group does not even have its own Internet domain, which means it might not even have $5 in support. It is on a blog site.

It calls itself the "Tribunal citoyen international contre les crimes de guerre au Moyen Orient", the "International Citizens' Tribunal on war crimes in the Middle East."

Its founder, Raoul Marc Jennar, makes no pretense of objectivity:

The doctrine that underpins the State of Israel was incompatible with international law.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Brussels: New court to try Israel for war crimes

13:02 , 02.22.08

Civil court established by human rights organizations to begin operations in Belgium Friday. First issue on the agenda: Israel's alleged war crimes in Lebanon, Gaza

Full article on

As there was no info in the official media, I searched more to see the credibility of this. Here are articles I found, quite controversial, without surprise:
Discussion about the article.
Arab MK to attend tribunal on 'IDF war crimes'
A fake "international court" designed purely to vilify Israel
Basically this 'court' is an initiative of a group of citizens based in France, who call themselves "Tribunal citoyen international contre les crimes de guerre au Moyen Orient". (Info in English.)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Films You Will Not See At OneWorld Human Rights Festival

In Prague, there is annually a film festival on Human Rights, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. As the festival's media campaign complies with the views and standpoints of the current political scene, it is no surprise that the advertisement for the festival, which this year concentrates on dictators, pinpoints some "world dictators" with notoriously over-presented Fidel Castro (Cuba), or other dictatorial leaders more or less known here, such as Aleksandr Lukashenko (Belarus), Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Kim Chong-il (Nort Korea) or Than Shwe (Burma).

Why this style of the advertisement...? Why not other dictators, countries, situations, politicians? Are human rights violated only in communist regimes? Are not human rights violated with the current "war on terror"?

Perhaps another festival can answer this - Human Rights Watch film festival, starting on 12 March 2008 in London? Or is the movie selection very similar?

The most interesting and concise (!) selection for me is, however, here, at a festival in Bellingham, Washington, US! The program comprises only of 15 films, but they seem inspirational enough! The two films below belong to their list, and they talk about Izrael and Palestine and the USA and the Iraq invasion... themes the other festivals fear to touch...?

Independent Intervention - Focusing on the human costs of war, media experts contrast corporate-controlled media coverage of the invasion of Iraq with independent media reports of the brutal realities on the ground. Features Amy Goodman and other alternative reporters.

Occupation 101 - A comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions.
(Full film!)

This film is not on the list of HR festivals, but equally informative on the above topic...
Peace and Propaganda: The Promised Land