Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Villains You Will Not See at OneWorld Human Rights Festival

Ondřej Slačálek, anarchist and political activist and scientist, comments well on the Czech OneWorld HR film festival. In this article, he points at the selectivity of the "dictators' advertisement", and in the anarchist magazine A-kontra he proposes other villains which would be in high competition as far as their criminal rate is concerned -- George W. Bush - USA, Hashim Thaçi - Kosovo, Islom Karimov - Uzbekistan, Joseph Kabila - Democratic Republic of Congo, Hu Jintao - China. In another article, he speaks about the controversial fact that human rights education organized in schools through the OneWorld organization is supported by the US government, which is not afraid to severely breach human rights, and whose president approves of torture, such as waterboarding or electric shocks!
Another article that looks behind the scenes of OneWorld and criticizes its cooperation with the US organization National Endowment for Democracy is written by Daniel Vesely.

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