Wednesday, December 27, 2006 - 26 Dec 2006

Press excerpts

Rich-poor divide serious, study finds

..Today in China, rich people, accounting for 10 per cent of the population, control 45 per cent of the total social fortune, and poor people, also 10 per cent of the population, only control 1.4 per cent..

..There are 130 million poor people in China, most earning less than US$1 a day..

..While the white collars in Beijing are planning a New Year trip to Hong Kong or Thailand, many others are trying to scrimp and save and worrying about increasing costs in medical care and food.

..A good educational background and knowledge were not the decisive factors in gaining wealth..

Blue book: Medical costs China's top social concern

..Medical expenses had risen to 11.8 percent of household consumption in China, surpassing expenditure on education and transportation.

..Most rural dwellers have no medical insurance.

..One third of poor rural patients in China choose not to go to hospital and 45 percent of the hospitalized farmers ask to be discharged before they have recovered.

..Unemployment was the second major concern, followed by the wealth gap, corruption, pensions, educational charges, housing prices, public security, social values, and pollution, according to the blue book.

..83.4 percent believe the social problems are temporary and 91.6 percent believe the Communist Party of China and the government are able to deal with the problems satisfactorily.

Subsidy net to cover all rural poor

..The rural poor are the most vulnerable segment of the population that must be taken care of in the country's drive to build a 'harmonious society..

..In particular, the allowances would help those who have lost their farmlands to development projects..

..The amount of allowance for each person will not be large, since there are many in need..

Social safety top concern of urbanites

..Social security has edged out employment to become the top concern of residents in urban China where a record number of jobs were created this year..

Unified 25% corporate tax proposed

..After enjoying favourable tax policies for decades, overseas companies may have to pay the same as their Chinese counterparts a unified corporate income tax of 25 per cent.

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